Careers Application at Department of Home Affairs
Applications must be sent in time to the correct address as indicated at the bottom of each post, on
or before the closing date.
Applications sent to a wrong address and/or received after the closing date or those that do
not comply with the requirements, will not be taken into consideration.
Applications must be submitted on the Application for Employment Form (Z.83), obtainable from any
Public Service department or at and must be accompanied by a comprehensive
CV, citing the start and end date (dd/mm/yr) of each employment period to be considered,
including the details of at least two contactable referees (should be people who recently worked with the applicant)
together with a certified copy of highest qualification.
Shortlisted applicants who will be invited for interviews, will be requested to bring all other supporting
documentation on the day of the interview.
It is the responsibility of applicants in possession of foreign qualifications to submit evaluated results by
South African Qualifications Authority.